Hospice Care of the LowCountry

2016 Yacht Hop of Hilton Head Scheduled for May 1st

Hospice Care of the Lowcountry Fundraiser Celebrating it’s 12th Year.

Where can you get an up-close and personal look at elegant yachts while tasting mouth-watering hor d’oeuvres from the area’s best chefs? Only at the Yacht Hop of Hilton Head, the years best party, set in the scenic Harbour Town Yacht Basin! This year’s event will be held May 1st from 5:30 – 9 pm. In addition to tours of boats and delicious food, the event will feature live music from the Headliners, a champagne toast, fun and fellowship – all set against a dramatic sunset over the Calibogue Sound. The event is the year’s biggest fundraiser for Hospice Care of the Lowcountry, the only independent non-profit hospice south of the Broad River. Tickets are $110 per person and available for purchase at hospicecarelc.org. A limited number of sponsorship opportunities, including ticket packages and robust business exposure, are also available. “Make sure the Yacht Hop of Hilton Head is at the top of your ‘must-do’ list this Spring! The 2016 event will be our 12th annual, and it is sure to be the best ever. All of the proceeds from ticket sales, sponsorships and auctions go directly to funding our work in the community, including our Palliative Care, We Honor Veterans, Hos-Pets, Pet Peace of Mind, Music Therapy, Hop Aboard and Counseling and Bereavement Programs. As the only independent non-profit hospice south of the Broad River, we depend on the generosity of Yacht Hop attendees. We encourage everyone in the community to join us for this extraordinary evening in Harbour Town!” said Darlene Schuetz, Director of Community Relations & Marketing for Hospice Care of the Lowcountry.

2016 Yacht Hop of Hilton Head Details

What: A festive outdoor party featuring food from area chefs, drinks, tours of handsome boats, live music from the Headliners, a champagne toast, silent auction, beautiful sunset and community celebration. Who: All proceeds benefit Hospice Care of the Lowcountry
Where: Harbour Town Yacht Basin
When: Sunday, May 1st from 5:30pm to 9pm
Tickets: $110 per person, available at hospicecarelc.org

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