Type of volunteer: Patient-family advocate and community outreach Hometown: Boulder, Colorado Favorite place you’ve lived and visited: Lived: On the Appalachian Trail for six months!Visited: New Zealand What convinced you to move to the Lowcountry? Two things – no snow…

We spend so much time planning for all sorts of activities in our lives – while we project our lives into the future by planning, hoping, and expecting average daily outcomes, there is one thing that always seems to be left…

Pain can take on several different dimensions including physiological (the actual physical sensation and the person’s accompanying response), cognitive (patients who might anticipate pain based on memories of when they had pain in the past), and emotional. Hospice is about…

We prepare for the end of our life by creating living wills and power of attorneys, but when the dying process actually begins to take place, we still tend to reach for medical technology in the attempt to exhaust all…