Hospice Care of the LowCountry

Volunteer Q&A with Susan Allhusen

Take care of your body and mind – they are the vehicle that will get you to the finish line. And always be grateful! Type of volunteer: Board of Directors, patient-family advocate, administrative, events, and fundraising Where is your hometown?…

Using Personal Rituals in Overcoming Grief

When someone you love dies, everything changes. Change can be difficult and there’s nothing more life-changing than losing a loved one – and the closer you were to them, the more affected you’ll feel. Though rituals aren’t tied to a…

POLST Forms and Why They’re Important

You’ve been thinking about your end of life care and have taken measures about your decisions. You’ve read the articles, spoken with family and friends about your options and set up an Advanced Health Care Directive (living will), Advance Health…

Preparing to Care in the Caregiver Role

Finding yourself in a caregiver’s role can feel daunting, especially in the beginning when you’re faced with a myriad of new responsibilities like medication tracking, medical appointments, and providing comfort care. There’s a certain level of management and organization that…

Paying for Hospice: Who, What, and How Much?

Medicare Hospice Benefit, Medicaid Hospice Benefit, and most private insurers pay for hospice care. If you find yourself entering hospice but don’t have any of these coverages, hospice can work with you and your family to ensure that the services you…

Thoughts on March 2019 MedPAC Report to Congress

A message from Edo Banach.March 15, 2019 The Medicare Payment Advisory Commission’s (MedPAC’s) March 2019 Report to Congress was released today. To view the report, click here. NHPCO leadership met with MedPAC staff in January 2019 and reviewed the chapter…

Dying in Peace and Why Some People Don’t

Dr. Karen Wyatt, M.D., a hospice physician and death awareness advocate, has seen patients in a variety of settings including hospice, nursing homes, and hospitals – and though the level of physical comfort may vary depending upon the care, the…