Hospice Care of the LowCountry

Vietnam Veteran’s Day is March 29

2,709,918 Americans served in Vietnam.  Less than 850,000 are estimated to be alive today.  Please take a moment to thank a Vietnam Veteran today. These Veterans have done everything asked of them in their mission to serve our country, it is our…

Is End-of-Life Its Own Stage of Life?

A sociologist makes the case for embracing this period as a distinct life stage. Deborah Carr, professor, and chair of the sociology department at Boston University, has spent much of her career studying death and dying. That expertise led, in…

Hospice & COVID-19

Many long-term care facilities and hospice facilities are being closed to the public under states’ Executive Orders in an effort to curtail the spread of the coronavirus bug. The massive city- and state-wide shutdowns can create stressful situations for the…

A Racial Gap in Attitudes Toward Hospice Care

Twice already, Narseary and Vernal Harris have watched a son die. The first time — Paul, at 26 — was agonizing and frenzied, his body tethered to a machine meant to keep him alive as his sickle cell disease progressed.…