“Hospice Care of the Lowcountry was the
glue that kept our family together.”
Stories of joy, happiness and laughter may not be what comes to mind when you think of hospice. We meet people at the end of their life, while they are on their final journey. They are faced with challenges of a terminal diagnosis; their body is no longer what it was, their mind is no longer what it used to be. They are a person with a history, with a story. We are privileged to hear the stories and walk the final journey with them. Along the way, our job is to provide comfort and honor, the dignity they so deserve.
Imagine a charismatic, energetic man full of life with the most contagious of smiles and an endless supply of southern charm. His silver hair with small touches of white neatly parted and slicked back. His dark , very fashionable blazer with a starched plaid oxford down to his double mug strapped shoes with a glossiest of shine.
His laugh could echo through walls no matter how funny the joke or how many times he told his Army stories. The signature fragrance of his favorite cologne was the announcement he was about to enter the room like an official proclamation by the queen’s court. This is how Malcom’s sister described his personality with such joy and vigor.
When we met Malcom, he was in the advanced stages of Alzheimer’s, cancer had invaded his body, he could no longer speak intelligibly, he appeared uncomfortable and now bedbound. While in our care, our team learned about the man Malcom was through the stories his family shared. He was proud to serve in the Army. His career had taken him all over the world. He never married and had no children. He remained close to his sister through his monthly letters, which shared his adventures.
Our clinical team provided the pain relief and symptom management he required. Our counseling team listened to his sister and assisted her through the process. Our We Honor Veteran’s volunteers, dressed in uniform, honored his military service by presenting him with a certificate of his military service. While sitting in bed, a smile came across his face and tears formed in his eyes. Malcom died days later, peacefully, surrounded by family.
In the final stages of life, everyone deserves to be comfortable, free of pain and treated with honor, kindness, respect and allowed dignity. Our patients and families, many like Malcom and Joann are grateful for the financial support of individuals like you. Ongoing support provides the care and services Hospice Care of the Lowcountry offers to all patients, families and the community. These include – Palliative Care, Hos-Pets Pet Therapy, Pet Peace of Mind, Aromatherapy, Massage Therapy and Grief and Bereavement Counseling Support. Palliative Care where we provide comfort care to those with a terminal illness, even while they are still
As the year of COVID-19 comes to an end many of us reflect on the toll it has taken on all of us; physically, mentally, spiritually and financially. It has presented new challenges and changes to what we once considered normal and additional costs. While patients and families still require end of life care during a Pandemic, we were faced with instituting Personal Protective Equipment for all staff and our families, Telehealth remote patient visit capability, enhanced IT capabilities to do virtual meetings along with privacy and security software.
We believe that working together we can continue doing this crucial work during this unprecedented time and continue to produce more stories like Malcom and Joann’s.
Please continue your support in helping us make the final journey for our patients as comfortable as possible.
To make a donation, click here.
With gratitude,
Jenny Brasington
Executive Director
Janet Porter
Board Chair