Type of volunteer:
Delray, Florida
Favorite place you’ve lived:
Okatie home and the Florida Keys
What convinced you to move to the Lowcountry?
The beauty and nature.
What do you do for a living?
I own a vacation rental/resort company
Favorite hobbies:
Gardening, cooking, reading, fishing
I did everything I wanted, experienced it all, and made people happy along the way.
What is your most memorable moment in volunteering with HCL?
Visiting different facilities with my dog, Samantha.
Who is your most memorable patient?
A young veteran at Bayview Manor in Beaufort.
What have you learned in your experience volunteering with hospice?
How grateful people are – especially the hospice staff and patients.
What inspired you to volunteer with HCL?
The thought of working with my dog to make people happier.
What is your happiest or most rewarding volunteering story?
A fairly young veteran at Bayview finally spoke when he started calling for Samantha.
What is your favorite part of volunteering with hospice?
I have so many – just being helpful is my favorite.
How does HCL’s mission inspire you?
I like its focus on making people as comfortable and happy during their difficult times.
What skills make you a better volunteer?
My smile 🙂
What do you wish people knew about HCL?
How caring and thorough the hospice staff and volunteers are.
How has being a hospice volunteer changed your outlook on life?
It’s made me less fearful of old age.
What is your most irrational fear?
What age would you choose to be permanently? Why?
My mid-60’s – old enough to know better, but wise enough to care less!
If you had a superpower, what would it be? Why?
Super energy and strength.
What is something you would never do again?
Miss any time with my family.
Would you rather live a week in the past or in the future? Why?
Both. There are way too many weeks in the past now that are fun and memorable, but I can’t wait to experience my next adventure!
What is something you wish you could’ve told yourself ten years ago?
To travel more.
What do you think you will want to tell yourself ten years from now?
That I did everything I ever wanted to do, experienced it all, and made people happy along the way.
What would you want your last words to be?
I love you.