Take care of your body and mind – they are the vehicle that will get you to the finish line. And always be grateful!
Type of volunteer:
Board of Directors, patient-family advocate, administrative, events, and fundraising
Where is your hometown?
St. Louis, Missouri
In what place have you lived the longest?
St. Louis for 27 years
What is your favorite place that you’ve lived or visited?
Lived in Japan and other Asian countries
What convinced you to move to the Lowcountry?
It was an easy place to drive our large family from Ohio for vacation. We loved it and still do!
What is your current occupation? If you’re retired what was your past career?
I’m a busy retired person – used to work in sales and marketing for technology at Telcom.
What are 3 of your favorite hobbies?
Traveling, cooking, and anything outdoors.
What is your most memorable moment in volunteering with HCL?
Having a non-sensical conversation with a patient who had dementia begin to converse appropriately about her family.
Who is your most memorable patient?
Ruth Blakely
What have you learned in your experience volunteering with hospice?
How much human contact can mean to a patient.
What inspired you to volunteer with HCL?
I was a family caregiver first.
Do you volunteer with other nonprofits in the area?
Yes, I volunteer with nonprofits in South Carolina.
Have you or your family been personally affected by hospice?
What is your happiest or most rewarding volunteering story?
I discovered that a different patient (also with dementia) like to dance when she was young, so I took an iPad to my next visit with her to play videos. Fred Astaire, Ginger Rogers, etc. As soon as she saw the videos, she was totally there and even remembered which steps she could and couldn’t do. It was amazing to see her so engaged!
What is your favorite part of volunteering with hospice?
The chance to improve a patient’s life, and the chance to lessen the burden for caregivers.
How does HCL’s mission inspire you?
They do this for hundreds of people every day! In addition, they allow death on the terms of the patient and their family members.
What skills make you a better volunteer?
Happiness and compassion.
What do you wish people knew about HCL?
All of the above, and how well they do what they do. Hospice is not an easy job and our professionals do it with grace, skill, and compassion.
What age would you choose to be permanently? Why?
Somewhere in my 60’s, because you still work (if you’re lucky and healthy) and have the wisdom you don’t when you’re younger.
If you had a superpower, what would it be? Why?
To be able to speak any language – because then I could communicate with anyone!
What is something you would never do again?
Marry young.
Would you rather live a week in the past or in the future? Why?
The future – I’ve already had a chance in the past!
What do you think you will want to tell yourself ten years from now?
Don’t you wish you had taken better care of your body and mind!
What would you want your last words to be?
Thank you to my family for making my life feel so blessed! I love you all so much.
Click here to learn more about volunteering with HCL.